Jan WIllem Grijpma

97 Medical student engagement in small-group active learning Appendix 4.1. List of questions to guide the interviews Structure of interviews Example questions 1. Warm-up questions (Goals: getting comfortable; activating memories from meeting; identify any special circumstances that influenced that meeting) - How did you experience the study group meeting? - How would you describe your contribution to the study group meeting? - What made it ‘same as always’, or what made it ‘different than other times’? 2. Show selected moments from recording (Goal: stimulate recall and reflection) - Can you tell me what you see happening in this moment? - What did you do, what did others do? - What were your thoughts in this moment? - What made you decide to behave/think/feel the way that you did? - What is your opinion on what happened? How did that make you feel? - Does this happen more often in meetings? Is this what you want, or think is important? - Looking back, would you have wanted to act differently? Why? What would you have needed for that to happen? 3. Engagement in general (Goal: reflect on representativeness of watched moments and antecedents of engagement) - Do the moments we have watched and discussed together give a good impression of the study group meetings and your contributions? - Is there another moment you would like to watch? - In general, are you able to engage meaningfully in the study group meetings? What helps and what hinders? - How does the tutor help you to contribute to the study group meetings? 4