Mirjam Kaijser

APPENDIX III: OSATS Please circle the number corresponding to the candidate’s performance in each category, irrespec2ve of training level Respect for 2ssue: 1 Frequently used unnecessary force on qssue or caused damage by inappropriate use of instruments 2 3 Careful handling of qssue but occasionally caused inadvertent damage 4 5 Consistently handled qssues appropriately with minimal damage Time and mo2on: 1 Many unnecessary moves 2 3 Efficient qme/moqon but some unnecessary moves 4 5 Clear economy of movement and maximum efficiency Knowledge and handling of instrument: 1 Lack of knowledge of instruments 2 3 Competent use of instruments but occasionally appeared sqff or awkward 4 5 Obvious familiarity with instruments Flow of opera2on: 1 Frequently stopped procedure and seemed unsure of next move 2 3 Demonstrated some forward planning with reasonable progression of procedure 4 5 Obviously planned course of procedure with effortless flow from one movement to the next Use of assistants: 1 Consistently placed assistants poorly or failed to use assistants 2 3 Appropriate use of assistants most of the qme 4 5 Strategically used assistants to the best advantage at all qmes Knowledge of specific procedure: 1 Deficient knowledge. Needed specific instrucqons at most steps 2 3 Knew all important steps of procedure 4 5 Demonstrated familiarity with all aspects of operaqon 106 5