Mirjam Kaijser

Figure 1: A. Laparoscopic Box Trainer B. Mini Box Trainer to Practice at Home Mini Box Trainer Exercise Design The plexiglass Alphatron Surgical box trainer without a camera was used as a base for two laparoscopic graspers (Medtronic). Two training exercises were designed to practice adequate length estimation. In both exercises a 3-meter-long rope was placed in the mini box, fixed at its starting point to simulate Treitz’s ligament. In the first exercise a marked rope was used (Figure 1b), marked every 5 cm in the first 50 cm, marked every 10 cm in the next 50 cm, and finally marked every 50 cm for the remainder of the rope. In the second exercise, an unmarked rope was used, with the instruction to estimate a 150 cm length and validate their measurement with a measuring tape, providing feedback on their estimation skills. 136 7