APPENDIX A: CURRENT OSATS IN THE NETHERLANDS General feedback Strong points: Needs improvement: Follow-up: Detailed assessment Assessment of Technical Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Below level On track Above level Indica2on to surgery Shows no insight into pathology Knows the basics Controls the ma~er Respect for 2ssue Frequently used unnecessary force on qssue or caused damage by inappropriate use of instruments Careful handling of qssue but occasionally caused inadvertent damage Consistently handled qssues appropriately, with minimal damage Time and mo2on Many unnecessary moves Efficient qme and moqon, but some unnecessary moves Clear economy of movement and maximum efficiency Knowledge of instruments Repeatedly uncoordinated and insecure, uses instruments incorrectly atraumaqc fluid operaqve technique is mastered, usually right choice and use of instruments Fluid movements and skillfully uses the right instruments Use of assistants Consistently placed assistants poorly or failed to use assistants Appropriate use of assistants most of the qme Strategically used assistants to the best advantage at all qmes Flow of opera2on and forward planning Frequently stopped operaqng and seemed unsure of next move Demonstrated some forward planning with reasonable progression, but needs guidance Obviously planned course of operaqon with independence and self-security Knowledge of specific procedure Deficient knowledge. Needed specific instrucqon at most steps Knew all important steps of operaqon Demonstrates familiarity with all aspects of operaqon 184 A