Mirjam Kaijser

Assessment of pre- and per-operative non-technical skills Pre-operative: inform the patient, initiate prophylactic measures: Below level On track Above level is messy and incomplete performs well, but sqll needs instrucqons independent, carefull and complete Per-operative: positioning the patient, checking prophylactic measures, checking presence / functioning of essential instruments / equipment: Below level On track Above level is messy and incomplete performs well, but sqll needs instrucqons independentl, carefull and complete Assessment of safety aspects The resident creates sufficient margin to minimize / prevent the occurrence of (fatal) incidents as much as possible: Below level On track Above level well below expectaqons somewhat below expectaqons just as expected as expected above expectaqons well above expectaqons remarkably good Overall assessment Role of the resident in this procedure A B C D E Prosed role of the resident in the next procedure A B C D E Remarks on this assessment The resident has A: knowledge and skills to assist adequately B: knowledge and skills to perform under strict supervision C: knowledge and skills to perform under limited supervision D: knowledge and skills to perform unsupervised E: knowledge and skills to supervise and teach A 185 Appendix A-F