Mirjam Kaijser

9. Firing the first stapler starqng 5 cm from the pylorus 6. Gastric stapling - consideraqons of extent of antral resecqon 7. Gastric stapling - adequacy of fundal resecqon, avoidance of incisura 8. Gastric stapling - technical issues (precompression, progressive firing techniques) 4. Stapling the sleeve 5. Stapling of the stomach 10. Conqnuing stapling along the orogastric tube 6. Bagging of the gastric specimen 11. Final inspecqon of bleeding 9. Bu~ressing - theoreqcal consideraqons (types, usage) 11. Intraoperaqve assessment of staple line integrity 5. Finishing the sleeve 7. Final inspecqon of the sleeve staple line 12. Hiatal assessment and closure 12. Closure of the le lateral port 6. Finishing the operaqon 13. Removal of the trocars under vision Author, goal, task analysis, number of steps and comparison of the defined key steps GEJ = Gastroesophageal junction References 1. van Rutte P, Nienhuijs SW, Jakimowicz JJ, van Montfort G. Identification of technical errors and hazard zones in sleeve gastrectomy using OCHRA : “OCHRA for sleeve gastrectomy”. Surgical endoscopy. 2017;31(2):561-566. 2. Blackham RE, Rosenthal RJ, Higa K, Gagner M, Grantcharov TP, Hamdorf JM. Development of an International Standardized Curriculum for Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Teaching Utilizing Modified Delphi Methodology. Obes Surg. 2021;31(10):4257-4263. 3. Kaijser MA, van Ramshorst GH, Emous M, Veeger NJGM, van Wagensveld BA, Pierie JEN. A Delphi Consensus of the Crucial Steps in Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedures in the Netherlands. Obes Surg. 2018;28(9):2634-2643. 4. Hashimoto DA, Rosman G, Witkowski ER, et al. Computer Vision Analysis of Intraoperative Video. Ann Surg. 2019;270(3):414-421. A 189 Appendix A-F