Table 1: Number of Observed Items in all Assessments PBA No. items BOSATS No. items OSATS No. Items Total No. items Pouch creaqon 6 14 7 27 BPL & GJ 6 13 7 26 AL & JJ 4 7 7 18 AL = alimentary limb, BOSATS Bariatric-OSATS, BPL = Biliopancreatic limb, GJ = gastrojejunal anastomosis, JJ = jejunojejunostomy, PBA = procedure-based assessment, OSATS = Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill Website To facilitate viewing the videos online a web-based application was created at, available during the study period in December 2021. For this specific study a password protected log-in page was used. Personalized log-in details were sent by email to the assessors. After logon, the assessor was directed to the main screen (Appendix IV) with entry to the different videos and surveys. Clicking a video opened a next screen showing the video followed by the relevant items of the BOSATS and PBA, as well as an OSATS were presented to the viewer. Participants were allowed to pause, fast-forward or lookback in videos. To make the assessments comparable regarding face of the content all responses on all items were presented in a drop-down menu. Only after entering all responses assessors could use the send button, after which the data were sent to a cloud-based password protected database and the participant redirected to the main screen. Review or change of answers afterwards was not possible. This assured an anonymous transfer of the data to the researchers, while allowing reminders to be sent after two weeks to assessors who had not completed all assessments. Reminders were sent after two weeks and four weeks, after which all assessors had completed the assigned tasks in full. After assessing all three fragments the experts responded to two questionnaires, one about their metabolic bariatric experience and one regarding the usability of the different assessments. This last questionnaire was re-used from the research of Kramp et al. in Appendix V.21 5 87 A new procedure-based assessment in gastric bypass surgery