Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 108 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Fu (2018) Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain Outdoor terraces of bars and pubs At which of the following places do you think smoking SHOULD be allowed? Oppose (oppose, strongly oppose); support (support, strongly support) Germany: n = 1003 Greece: n = 1000 Hungary: n = 1000 Poland: n = 1006 Romania: n = 1001 Spain: n=998 Among smokers: G: 3.5% (1.6 - 5.3) GR:4.1% (2.2 - 6.0) H: 22.1% (16.8 - 27.3) PL: 15.5% (12.1 - 18.8) RO: 3.5% (2.0 - 5.0) E: 3.4% (2.1 - 4.7) Fu (2018) Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain Outdoor terraces of restaurants At which of the following places do you think smoking SHOULD be allowed? Oppose (oppose, strongly oppose); support (support, strongly support) Germany: n = 1003 Greece: n = 1000 Hungary: n = 1000 Poland: n = 1006 Romania: n = 1001 Spain: n=998 Among smokers: G: 8.5% (6.2 - 10.8) GR: 5.2% (3.1 - 7.3) H: 24.3% (18.6 - 30.0) PL: 15.3% (12.3 - 18.4) RO: 3.2% (1.7 - 4.7) E: 4.2% (2.1 - 6.2) Hitchman (2011) USA, Canada, UK and Australia Cars with children Would you support a law that banned smoking in cars when children are in them? Yes; no USA: n = 1427 Canada: n = 1622 UK: n = 1608 Australia: n = 1575 Among smokers: USA: 59% Canada: 74% UK: 75% Australia: 82% Park (2019) South Korea Smoking ban in parks For each of the following public places, please tell me if you think smoking should be: Allowed in all areas; in some areas; not allowed at all 2005: n = 995 2008: n = 1737 2010: n = 1560 2008: 18.4% 2010: 29.8% 2008: 18.4% 2010: 29.8% Park (2019) South Korea Smoking ban in bus stops For each of the following public places, please tell me if you think smoking should be: Allowed in all areas; in some areas; not allowed at all 2005: n = 995 2008: n = 1737 2010: n = 1560 2005: NA 2008: 29.9% 2010: 44.2% 2005: NA 2008: 29.9% 2010: 44.2% Park (2019) South Korea Smoking ban in crowded streets For each of the following public places, please tell me if you think smoking should be: Not allowed at all; in some areas; allowed in all areas 2005: n = 995 2008: n = 1737 2010: n = 1560 2005: NA 2008: 28.0% 2010: 36.6% 2005: NA 2008: 28.0% 2010: 36.6%