Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 110 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Sohlberg (2019) Sweden Outdoor seating areas at restaurants/ bars Ban against smoking at outdoor seating areas at restaurants/bars Support (to a great extent, totally); not support (not at all, to some extent) n = 663 80.3% 80.3% Thomson (2009a) New Zealand Cars with preschool children Do you think smoking should be allowed in cars with pre-school children in them? Agree (Strongly agree, agree); disagree (neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 1367 See subgroup gender 95.7% Thomson (2009b) New Zealand Playgrounds Do you think smoking should be allowed at council-owned playgrounds? Yes; no n = 1376 Among smokers: 65.7% (62.3 - 69.1) 65.7% (62.3 - 69.1) Wilson (2009) New Zealand Cars with children Do you think smoking should be allowed in cars with pre-school children in them? Yes; no n = 1376 3% (1.9-4.0) 97.0% Wilson (2009) New Zealand Playgrounds Do you think smoking should be allowed at council-owned playgrounds? Yes; no n = 1376 31.9% (28.6 - 35.2) 68.1% Wilson (2009) New Zealand Beaches Do you think smoking should be allowed in beaches? Yes; no n = 1376 54.8% (51.2 - 58.3) 45.2% Wilson (2009) New Zealand Entrance ways within 5m of public buildings Do you think smoking should be allowed in entrance ways within 5m of public buildings? Yes; no n = 1376 48.2% (44.6 - 51.7) 51.8%