Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 114 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Seo (2005) Indiana (USA) Car drivers Would you favour or oppose an ordinance that prohibits people from smoking while driving a car? Favour; oppose n = 529 34% Seo (2005) Indiana (USA) Cars with passengers Would you favour or oppose an ordinance that prohibits passengers in cars from smoking? Favour; oppose n = 529 70% Stillman (2018) USA Cars Attitudes towards smoking in cars Not allowed (should never be allowed); allowed (only under some conditions; should always be allowed) Urban:181,162 Rural:47,805 Urban:74.1% Rural:69.1% 73.0% Indoor private – housing Abundis (2008) Mexico Own house Do you agree or disagree with the prohibition of smoking in the following places (…)? Agree; disagree n = 1200 57.0% Berg (2015) Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee (USA) Within individual apartment units in a complex For each of the following places, indicate how you feel about a policy prohibiting smoking in that kind of place Oppose (strongly oppose, somewhat oppose); other (neutral, somewhat favour, strongly favour n = 2501 26.3% 73%