Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 116 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Morain (2013) USA Private spaces How much would you support the following policies? Make it illegal to smoke in private spaces Support (somewhat support, strongly support); oppose (somewhat oppose, strongly oppose) n = 1817 37.9% Topuridze (2020) Armenia, Republic of Georgia Individual apartments To what extent do you support or oppose a complete cigarette smoking ban in the following settings? 1: strongly oppose 2: somewhat oppose 3: don’t know 4: somewhat support 5: strongly support Armenia: n = 705 Georgia: n = 751 Mean (SD) 3.79 (1.47) 69.7% Indoor private – cars with vulnerable passengers Agaku (2014) USA Cars with children Inside a car, when children are present, do you think that smoking should be: Support (always allowed); not support (allowed under some conditions, never allowed). n = 164,819 94.3% Al-Delaimy (2008) California (USA) Cars with children Inside cars when children are traveling in them? Please tell me if smoking should be allowed or not allowed in this place n = 82,566 92.3% (91.6-93.0)