Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 118 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Fong (2013) France Cars with children Do you support or oppose a French total ban on smoking in cars with children in them Support (support, strongly support); oppose (oppose, strongly oppose) Wave 1 = NA Wave 2 = 2217 Wave 3 = 2193 Wave 1: NA Wave 2: 90.0% (87.4-92.1) Wave 3: 91.8% (89.6-93.6) Gendall (2013) New Zealand Cars with children Indicate support for smoke-free cars with children Eleven-point Likert scale n = 828 88.0% Jalleh (2006) Western Australia Vehicles carrying children Banning smoking in vehicles when children under 18 years are in the vehicle In favour of; against; no opinion either way n = 405 See subgroup smoking status 83.0% Li (2013) New Zealand Cars with minors present Smoking in cars should be banned where children are in them Strongly agree; agree; neither agree nor disagree; disagree; strongly disagree n = 2,672 Strongly agree: 64% (60 -67) Agree: 29% (26 - 32) 93% (90-99) Li (2016) New Zealand Cars with children Smoking in cars should be banned when children are in them Agree (Strongly agree, agree); not agree (neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 2,594 97.3% Lugo (2017) Italy Cars with minors or pregnant women Are you in favour of the extension of smoking ban in private vehicles in presence of minors or pregnant women? Favour (moderately favour, strongly favour); against (moderately against, strongly against0 n = 3000 91.3% 91.3%