Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 120 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Stillman (2018) USA Cars with children Attitudes towards smoking in cars with children Not allowed (should never be allowed); allowed (only under some conditions; should always be allowed) Urban: n = 181.162 Rural: n = 47.805 Urban: 94.8% Rural: 92.5% 94.0% Topuridze (2020) Armenia, Republic of Georgia Private vehicles with children To what extent do you support or oppose a complete cigarette smoking ban in the following settings? 1: strongly oppose 2: somewhat oppose 3: don’t know 4: somewhat support 5: strongly support Armenia: n = 705 Georgia: n = 751 Mean (SD) 4.75 (0.72) 93.7% Walsh (2008) New South Wales, Australia Cars with children Supporting government bans Not reported n = 1191 54.8% (52.057.6) Outdoor private Ruokolainen (2018) Finland Balcony Smoking on balconies should be forbidden by law Agree (agree, completely agree); disagree (neutral, disagree, completely disagree) n = 4905 51.3% Sæbø (2019) Norway Private balconies Ban smoking on private balconies in cases where it bothers the neighbour Full support; partial support; no support n = 5543 30.9%