Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 123 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Berg (2016) Republic of Georgia Indoor common areas of apartments How would you feel about a policy prohibiting smoking in that kind of place? Oppose (somewhat oppose, strongly oppose); other (neutral, somewhat favour, strongly favour) n = 1163 24.2% 75.8% Díez-Izquierdo (2017) Spain Multi-unit housing Should smoking be prohibited within the common areas (i.e., elevator, stairs, lobby, walkways etc.) of multi-unit housing Agree (agree, totally agree); disagreed (disagree, totally disagree); neither agree nor disagree) n = 1036 85.7% Drach (2010) Portland, Oregon, (USA) Housing buildings Not reported Support (very happy, somewhat happy with policy); not reported n = 688 74% Gentzke (2018) Columbia, Charleston, Grand Forks, Bismarck, Fort Collins and Pueblo (USA) Overall multiunit housing Would you prefer to have a policy in your building that prohibits smoking in all indoor areas, including individual residential units and common indoor areas? Yes; no n = 1565 56.4% Gentzke (2018) Columbia, Charleston, Grand Forks, Bismarck, Fort Collins and Pueblo (USA) Multi-unit housing buildings in Columbia Would you prefer to have a policy in your building that prohibits smoking in all indoor areas, including individual residential units and common indoor areas? Yes; no n = 358 56.3%