Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 126 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Rosen (2012) Israel Common areas apartment buildings Support for smokefree common areas apartment buildings In favour (57); neutral (4); opposed (1-3) n = 505 82.3% 82.3% Schmidt (2016) Montana (USA) Multi-unit housing Whether or not they agreed with a rule that does not allow smoking in their apartment, in all indoor common areas and in all outdoor areas Support (agree, strongly agree); no support (disagree, strongly disagree) n = 685 80.6% 80.6% Topuridze (2020) Armenia, Republic of Georgia Indoor common areas To what extent do you support or oppose a complete cigarette smoking ban in the following settings? 1: strongly oppose 2: somewhat oppose 3: don’t know 4: somewhat support 5: strongly support Armenia: n = 705 Georgia: n = 751 Mean (SD) 3.99 (1.83) 74.7% Wang (2018) USA Public housing Do you favour or oppose prohibiting smoking in public housing, including all indoor areas of living units, common areas, and office buildings, as well as in all outdoor areas within 25 feet of buildings? Strongly favour; somewhat favour; somewhat oppose; strongly oppose n = 4203 Strongly favour: 52.3% (50.5 - 54.2) Somewhat favour: 21.4% (19.9 - 22.9) 73.7% (CI 72.1 - 75.4)