Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 127 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Indoor semi-private - other Brown (2019) Scotland Prison Smoking should not be allowed in any outdoor areas of prisons Agree (agree, strongly agree); disagree (no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree) Staff: n = 1269 Prisoners: n = 2411 Staff: 37.8% Prisoners: 17.9% 25.0% Buth (2013) Germany Prisons Approval of a total smoking ban (including cells) Not reported n = 1258 9.9% 9.9% Bower (2005) Midwestern USA Campus Apartments All campus apartments should be non-smoking? Strongly agree; agree; somewhat agree; undecided; somewhat disagree; disagree; strongly disagree Freshman: n = 1743 Strongly agree: 35.3 % Agree: 7.8% Somewhat agree: 6.4% 49.5% Bower (2005) Midwestern USA Campus Apartments All campus apartments should be non-smoking? Strongly agree; agree; somewhat agree; undecided; somewhat disagree; disagree; strongly disagree Junior: n = 643 Strongly agree: 40.3% Agree: 5.3% Somewhat agree: 6.5% 52.1% Garg (2011) Berkeley, CA (USA) Student residences How important is it to you that your residential community adopts a smoke-free policy (no smoking anywhere, inside or outside, on the premises)? Very important; somewhat important; somewhat unimportant; very unimportant n = 1479 Very important: 46% Somewhat important: 20% 66.0%