Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 130 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Bower (2005) Midwestern USA Campus tobacco-free The campus should be a tobacco (including smokeless tobacco) free campus? Strongly agree; agree; somewhat agree; undecided; somewhat disagree; disagree; strongly disagree Freshman: n = 1743 Strongly agree: 20.1% Agree: 5.2% Somewhat agree: 7.7% 33.0% Bower (2005) Midwestern USA Campus tobacco-free The campus should be a tobacco (including smokeless tobacco) free campus? Strongly agree; agree; somewhat agree; undecided; somewhat disagree; disagree; strongly disagree Junior: n = 643 Strongly agree: 21.2 % Agree: 7.0% Somewhat agree: 7.2% 35.4% Braverman (2014) USA College campus Our campus should be 100% smokefree. Supportive (agree, strongly agree); opposed (neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) Students: n = 5691 Support: 71.6% (70 - 73) Neutral: 6.3% (6 - 7) Oppose: 22.1% (21 -23) 71.6% Braverman (2015) USA College campus Our campus should be 100% smokefree. Supportive (agree, strongly agree); opposed (neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) Staff: n = 2051 Support; 77.1% (75 - 79) Neutral: 5.8% (5 - 7) Oppose: 17.1% (15 - 19) 77.1% Braverman (2021) Oregon, USA College Campus 2013: Our campus should be 100% smoke-free 2018: Our campus should be 100% smoke-free, including cigarettes, other smoking products, and vaping products 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree) collapsed into oppose, neutral and support 2013: Students: n = 5691 Faculty/staff: n = 2051 2018: Students: n = 4883 Faculty/staff: n = 1882 2013: Students: 71.6% Faculty/staff: 77.0% 2018: Students: 73.2% Faculty/staff: 83.7% Pre ban: 73.0% Post ban: 76.1%