Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 132 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. El Ansari (2021) Finland University There should be no smoking on university premises at all 5 point Likert scale, strongly agree to strongly disagree n = 1177 Strongly agree/ agree: 48.6% Neutral: 31.5% Strongly disagree/ disagree: 19.8% 48.6% Fallin (2015) California (USA) University Campus Prohibiting all tobacco use on the entire grounds (tobacco-free policy) is a good thing Agree (agree, strongly agree); disagree (neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 217 77% 77% Fallin (2015) California (USA) University Campus Prohibiting smoking on the entire grounds (smoke-free policy) is a good thing Agree (agree, strongly agree); disagree (neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 230 67% 67% Fallin (2015) California (USA) University Campus Prohibiting smoking 30ft from entrances (California state law) is a good thing Agree (agree, strongly agree); disagree (neutral, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 217 71% 71% Farran (2021) Lebanon University Extent of support for the university tobacco-free policy 4-point Likert scale (large extent, some extent, not at all, not sure) 2017: n = 625 2018: n = 624 Pre ban: 79% Post ban: 84% 84% Hammond (2006) Ontario (Canada) Student residences Do you oppose or support campus smoking restrictions in student residences? Support (1,2); neutral (3); oppose (4,5) n = 1,690 88% 88%