Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 133 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Hammond (2006) Ontario (Canada) University campus Do you oppose or support campus smoking restrictions on the entire campus? Support (1,2); neutral (3); oppose (4,5) n = 1,690 41% 41% Ickes (2017) USA University campus How would you rate your feelings about the tobacco-free policy + what do you think the impact is of having a tobacco free campus? 2x Five-point Likert scale summed up n = 660 Mean (SD) 8.4 (1.9) 84% Johnston Polacek (2008) USA University campus How likely would you be to support a policy change to make this campus smoke-free? 5-point Likert scale Undergraduate: n = 2486 Graduate: n = 173 Staff: n = 109 Faculty: n = 51 Undergraduate: 3.49 Graduate: 4.09 Staff: 3.86 Faculty: 3.53 72.0% Karadağ (2021) Turkey University What do you think about the “TobaccoFree Campus Policy”, which includes not using tobacco in indoor and outdoor areas within the university campus, not selling tobacco in the campus, and providing assistance to those who want to quit smoking? I definitely support; it could be; it would be an unnecessary restriction; finds unacceptable, opposes n = 10,383 I definitely support: 49.9% It could be: 13.8% It would be an unnecessary restriction: 22.6% Finds unacceptable, opposes: 13.6% 49.9%