Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 134 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Kecojevic (2020) New Jersey (USA) College campus The university should prohibit the use of all tobacco products on campus 0 = disagree to 4 = strongly agree n = 1,192 Mean (SD): 2.3 (1.5) 52.5% Lechner (2012) Midwestern USA University campus (2007) Campus should be smoke free 7-point Likert scale n = 1185 Mean (SD) 4.57 (2.43) 65.3% Lechner (2012) Midwestern USA University campus (2008) Campus should be smoke free 7-point Likert scale n = 1197 5.33 (2.22) 76.1% Lechner (2012) Midwestern USA University campus (2009) Campus should be smoke free 7-point Likert scale n = 1257 5.47 (2.04) 78.1% Lechner (2012) Midwestern USA University campus (2010) Campus should be smoke free 7-point Likert scale n = 1257 5.77 (2.04) 82.4% Loukas (2006) Texas (USA) University campus Our campus should be completely smoke-free Four-point Likert scale n = 1188 See subgroup gender 68.7% Mamudu (2016) Johnson City, Tennessee (USA) University campus Support for ETSU Tobacco-free policy Yes; no n = 790 38.7% 38.7% Mamudu (2016) Johnson City, Tennessee (USA) University campus Support for ETSU Tobacco-free campus Yes; no n = 790 40.1% 40.1% Marsh (2014) Dunedin (New Zealand) University campus Indicate your support for the following university policies: a complete smoke free campus (i.e. no smoking on any university grounds) Eleven-point scale Staff: n = 332 8.0 80.0%