Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 138 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Wong (2020) California (USA) University campus Would you favour or oppose a tobacco policy that would prohibit the use of all tobacco products on core campus, including all outdoor areas within the perimeter of Campus Drive? Favour; neither favour nor oppose; oppose n = 2218 63% 63% Wray (2020) Missouri (USA) University campus Support for campuswide tobacco-freepolicy Not reported 2016: Total: n = 2277 Students: n = 1332 2017: Total: n = 1206 Students: n = 55 Overall: 2016: 75% 2017: 84% Students: 2016: 72% 2017: 78% Overall: 2016: 75% 2017: 84% Students: 2016: 72% 2017: 78% Outdoor non hospitality – beaches, parks and playgrounds Al-Delaimy (2008) California (USA) Parks, beaches, golf courses, zoos sports stadiums Outdoor public places such as parks, beaches, golf course, zoos, sports stadiums Please tell me if smoking should be allowed or not allowed in this place n = 82,566 53.4% (51.3 – 55.5) 53.4% (51.3 – 55.5) Abundis (2008) Mexico Beach Do you agree or disagree with the prohibition of smoking in the following places (…)? Agree; disagree n = 1200 47.0% 47.0%