Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 140 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Cartanyà-Hueso (2019) Barcelona (Spain) Playgrounds Should smoking be prohibited at playgrounds? Yes (agree, totally agree); no (neutral, disagree, totally disagree) n = 736 84.7% 84.7% Cartanyà-Hueso (2019) Barcelona (Spain) Beaches and outdoor swimming pools Should smoking be prohibited at beaches and outdoor swimming pools? Yes (agree, totally agree); no (neutral, disagree, totally disagree) n = 736 50.3% 50.3% Dono (2015) South Australia Playgrounds (2012, preimplementation) Smoking ban at children’s playgrounds Approved (approve, strongly approve); disapproved (disapproved, strongly disapproved n = 2005 94.8% 94.8% Dono (2015) South Australia Playgrounds (2012, postimplementation) Smoking ban at children’s playgrounds Approved (approve, strongly approve); disapproved (disapproved, strongly disapproved n = 2013 97.8% 97.8% Gallus (2012) Italy Public parks Would you be in favour or against (the extension of) the smoking ban in public parks Favour (moderately in favour, strongly in favour); oppose (moderately against, strongly against) n = 6233 64.6% 64.6% Gallus (2012) Italy Beaches Would you be in favour or against (the extension of) the smoking ban on beaches Favour (moderately in favour, strongly in favour); oppose (moderately against, strongly against) n = 6233 62.1% 62.1%