Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 150 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Kandra (2007) North Carolina (USA) Schools To what degree do you support a tobacco free policy in your child’s school so that no one, not students, nor teachers, staff or visitors, could smoke or use other tobacco products on the school grounds at any time? Strongly support; (moderately support, do not support) n = 3973 85.6% (84.3 - 86.9) 85.6% (84.3 - 86.9) Kruger (2015) USA School grounds Should tobacco use be completely banned on school grounds, including fields and parking lots, and at all school events even for teachers and other adults? Yes; no n = 68489 86.1% (85.5 - 86.7) 86.1% (85.5 - 86.7) Martínez-Sánchez (2014) Italy School courtyards Attitude towards smoke-free legislation in school courtyards Support (moderately in favour, strongly in favour); no support (moderately against, strongly against) n =6167 82.6% 82.6%