Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 154 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Martínez-Sánchez (2014) Italy Stadiums Attitude towards smoke-free legislation in cars, in stadiums Support (moderately in favour, strongly in favour); no support (moderately against, strongly against) n = 6167 66.7% 66.7% Nogueira (2022) Bulgaria England France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Poland Portugal Romania Spain Stadium For each of the following sites, are you: Strongly in favour, moderately in favour, moderately against or strongly against a total tobacco ban? Bulgaria: n = 1,050 England: n = 1,013 France: n = 1,018 Germany: n = 1,031 Greece: n = 1,000 Ireland: n = 941 Italy: n = 1,059 Latvia: n = 1,022 Poland: n = 724 Portugal: n = 1,000 Romania: n = 1,018 Spain: n = 1,026 Strongly in favour: 29.5% Moderately in favour: 19.8% 49.3% Rosenberg (2012)Western Australia Perth zoo Do you support, do not support or have no feelings either way about smoke free policies in Perth Zoo? Support; do not support; have no feelings either way n = 2005 85% 85% Rosenberg (2012)Western Australia South Perth Foreshore Family zone (river front venue for music festivals) Do you support, do not support or have no feelings either way about smoke free policies in South Perth Foreshore Family zone? Support; do not support; have no feelings either way n = 2005 82% 82%