Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 157 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Li (2016) New Zealand Public entrances Smoking should be banned within 5 metres of the entrance of all buildings used by the public Agree (Strongly agree, agree); not agree (neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree) n = 2,594 80.4% 80.4% Lund (2016) Norway Entrances to all workplaces What is your opinion if the government were to implement these regulations on smoking behaviour? Prohibit smoking at entrances to all workplaces Five-point Likert scale n= 5543 Mean (SD) 3.79 (1.52) 69.7% Sæbø (2019) Norway Outdoor entrances to all workplaces Ban smoking at outdoor entrances to all workplaces Five-point Likert scale n = 5543 53.3% 53.3% Topuridze (2020) Armenia, Republic of Georgia Within 5m of public building entrances To what extent do you support or oppose a complete cigarette smoking ban in the following settings? 1: strongly oppose 2: somewhat oppose 3: don’t know 4: somewhat support 5: strongly support Armenia: n = 705 Georgia: n = 751 Mean (SD) 3.33 (1.50) 58.2% Outdoor non hospitality – streets and open areas Basto-Abreu (2016) Baja California (Mexico) Town squares Do you support the state level law that banned smoking in all outdoor areas where people gather for town squares? Yes; no n = 796 84% 84%