Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 160 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Hale (2017) Australia Health care grounds What is your attitude towards Peninsula Health’s Smoke Free policy? Positive (positive, very positive); negative (neutral, negative, very negative) 2011: n = 873 2013: n = 1108 2011: 70% 2013: 74% 2011: 70% 2013: 74% Lin (2006) Duarte, California (USA) Hospital Not reported (link in paper to original survey not working) Policy was a good idea; not reported n = 1356 92.6% 92.6% Martínez-Sánchez (2014) Italy Open areas of hospitals Attitude towards smoke-free legislation in open areas of hospitals Support (moderately in favour, strongly in favour); no support (moderately against, strongly against) n = 6167 75.0% 75.0% Nogueira (2022) Bulgaria England France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Poland Portugal Romania Spain Outdoor areas of hospitals For each of the following sites, are you: Strongly in favour, moderately in favour, moderately against or strongly against a total tobacco ban? Bulgaria: n = 1,050 England: n = 1,013 France: n = 1,018 Germany: n = 1,031 Greece: n = 1,000 Ireland: n = 941 Italy: n = 1,059 Latvia: n = 1,022 Poland: n = 724 Portugal: n = 1,000 Romania: n = 1,018 Spain: n = 1,026 Strongly in favour: 35.5% Moderately in favour: 19.4% 54.9% Riad-Allen (2017) Toronto (Canada) Hospital campus (Baseline) I support the creation and implementation of a tobacco free policy at CAMH Five-point Likert scale Staff: n = 454 Patient: n = 123 Mean (SD) Staff: 3.89 (1.31) Patient 3.15 (1.39) 68.5%