Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 161 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Riad-Allen (2017) Toronto (Canada) Hospital campus (soft launch) I support the creation and implementation of a tobacco free policy at CAMH Five-point Likert scale Staff: n=356, Patient: n = 106 Staff: 3.75 (1.39) Patient: 3.50 (1.50) 67.3% Riad-Allen (2017) Toronto (Canada) hospital campus (hard launch) I support the creation and implementation of a tobacco free policy at CAMH Five-point Likert scale Staff: n=363 Patient: n = 193 Staff: 3.87 (1.34) Patient:3.42 (1.38) 67.8% Rosen (2012) Israel Entrances to health care facilities Support for smokefree entrances to health care facilities In favour (57); neutral (4); opposed (1-3) n = 505 92.6% 92.6% Sureda (2015) Spain Healthcare centres To what extent do you agree or disagree with the prohibition of smoking in the following outdoor settings? Agree (agree, totally agree); neither agree nor disagree; disagree (disagree, totally disagree) n = 1301 52.7% 52.7% Unrod (2012) Tampa, Florida (USA) Hospital campus Support to the tobacco-free campus (pre-ban) Not reported Employees Pre-ban: n = 607 Employees Post-ban: n = 511 See subgroup smoking status Pre-ban: 78.3% Post-ban: 82.0% Wheeler (2007) Little Rock, AR (USA) Hospital campus Support for smokefree policy (after implementation) Not reported n = 842 83.3% 83.3% Wheeler (2007) Little Rock, AR (USA) Hospital campus Support for smokefree policy (before implementation) Not reported n = 912 89.9% 89.9% Wheeler (2007) Little Rock, AR (USA) Hospital campus Support for smokefree policy (patient sample) Not reported n = 183 87.7% 87.7%