Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 162 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Outdoor non hospitality – other Basto-Abreu (2016) Baja California (Mexico) All public places Do you support the state level law that banned smoking in all outdoor areas where people gather? Yes; no n = 796 72% 72% Bo-Woo (2012) Daejeon (Korea) Protection zones for children (School zones) Should smokefree zones be implemented at protection zones for children Agree; disagree n = 1013 98.5% 98.5% Bo-Woo (2012) Daejeon (Korea) Residential areasShould smokefree zones be implemented at residential areas Agree; disagree n = 1013 74.3% 74.3% Gendall (2013) New Zealand Outdoor areas combined Eleven-point Likert scale n = 828 6.5 out of 10 65.0% Kandra (2013) North Carolina (USA) Outdoor public places Exposure to secondhand smoke in outdoor public places should: Not be allowed; be allowed at some times or in some places; be allowed anywhere n = 3301 63.1 % (61.0 - 65.3) 63.1 % (61.0 - 65.3) King (2014) USA Outdoor workplaces At workplaces, do you think smoking outdoors should be: Never allowed; only allowed at some places; always allowed n = 65,120 23.2% 23.2% Klein (2007) Minnesota (USA) Outdoor areas kids Smoking should be prohibited in outdoor areas used by kids Strongly agree; somewhat agree; somewhat disagree; strongly disagree n = 1493 Strongly agree: 57% Somewhat agree: 21% 78%