Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 163 4 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Li (2013) New Zealand Outside areas where children are likely to go Smoking should be banned in all outdoor public places where children are likely to go Strongly agree; agree; neither agreed nor disagreed; disagreed; strongly disagreed n = 2672 Strongly agree: 40% (37 - 43) Agree: 33% (31 - 36) 73% Li (2016) New Zealand Outside areas where children are likely to go Smoking should be banned in all outdoor public places where children are likely to go Agree (strongly agree, agree); not agree (neither agreed nor disagreed, disagreed, strongly disagreed) n = 2,594 83.7% 83.7% Topuridze (2020) Armenia, Republic of Georgia Other public outdoor areas To what extent do you support or oppose a complete cigarette smoking ban in the following settings? 1: strongly oppose 2: somewhat oppose 3: don’t know 4: somewhat support 5: strongly support Armenia: n = 705 Georgia: n = 751 Mean (SD) 3.41 (1.56) 60.3% Outdoor hospitality Al-Delaimy (2008) California (USA) Outdoor dining areas Outdoor restaurants dining patios Please tell me if smoking should be allowed or not allowed in this place n = 82,566 70.0% (68.8 – 71.7) 70.0% (68.8 – 71.7) Berg (2015) Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee USA Outdoor seating areas of bars and restaurants For each of the following places, indicate how you feel about a policy prohibiting smoking in that kind of place Oppose (strongly oppose, somewhat oppose); other (neutral, somewhat favour, strongly favour n = 2501 15.8% 69.5%