Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 164 Author (year) Geographic location Smoke-free location Support measure Answer options Overall sample size Reported support overall Support transformed, reversed etc. Berg (2016) Republic of Georgia Outdoor seating areas of restaurants, bars, pubs, clubs How would you feel about a policy prohibiting smoking in that kind of place? Oppose (somewhat oppose, strongly oppose); other (neutral, somewhat favour, strongly favour) n = 1163 40.9% 59.1% Fong (2013) France Outdoor areas of restaurants Do you think that smoking should be allowed in...? Not allowed at all; in some areas; all areas Wave 1 = NA Wave 2 = 2219 Wave 3 = 2202 Wave 1: NA Wave 2: 32.8% (28.7 - 37.2) Wave 3: 36.2% (31.6 - 41.1) Kennedy (2012) France Outdoor areas of restaurants Do you think that smoking should be: Not allowed in outdoor eating areas at all; in designated outdoor eating areas such as smoking terraces; allowed in all outdoor eating areas n = 1654 See smoking status subgroup 14.3% Li (2016) New Zealand Outdoor dining areas Smoking should be banned in all public outdoor dining areas Agree (strongly agree, agree); not agree (neither agreed nor disagreed, disagreed, strongly disagreed) n = 2,594 75.9% 75.9%