Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 169 4 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Braverman (2015) Smoke-free campus policy at a public university in Pacific Northwest, U.S. 2012 Local level Not reported May 2013 Email invites send to all students registered for an on-campus course of one credit or more and staff/ faculty who worked at campus at least 20% time during spring 2013 Email addresses obtained from campus administrative offices Braverman (2021) Campus for which a smoke-free policy was in effect September, 2012 Local level, campus wide Not reported May-June 2013 and OctoberNovember 2018 Email sent to all students and reminder emails sent to those that did not respond Brown (2019) Smoke-free prison policy November 2018 National Not reported November 1st to December 16 2016 All prison staff and prisoners in Scotland were invited. Burns (2013) Smoke-free campus policy at Curtin University, Australia January 1st 2012 Local Not reported October 2011 Random cross-sectional sample of staff and students from all faculties Buth (2013) Development of nonsmoker protection in prisons, total smoking ban in prisons including cells Not yet implemented Not reported Not reported September - December 2011 Surveys were handed out to all prisoners in 15 participating prisons. CartanyàHueso (2019) Law 42/2010; extended smoke-free regulation to all hospitality venues without exception and to some outdoor areas, including hospital premises, educational campuses, and playgrounds 2011 National law Not reported May 2013 - February 2014 All participants from baseline survey with vital status and contact information who provide informed consent to participate. National representative sample.