Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 170 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Chaaya (2021) Campus tobacco-free policy January, 2018 Local level, campus wide Not reported Pre and post ban November, 2017 and November 2018 Random selection of courses by stratified cluster sampling, professors of selected courses asked for permission. For approved courses researches visited and asked students present to complete survey Clegg (2018) Hypothetical - - - October 2019 to May 2020 Survey was distributed via repeated internal email communications containing a link to the online survey. The survey was also advertised via trust screensavers with QR codes and distributed flyers in staff rooms with QR codes to allow access to the survey via a smartphone or tablet Crosby (2018) Hypothetical support before and after a social norm campaign - - - Before: 10–18 September 2012 After: 17 – 21 December 2012. All hospital patients, visitors, and staff on the premises eligible, 1,000 individuals approached Díez-Izquierdo (2017) Law 42/2010; extended smoke-free regulation to all hospitality venues without exception and to some outdoor areas, including hospital premises, educational campuses, and playgrounds 2011 National law Not reported March to April 2016 Participants from ONMIBUS survey, national representatives of Spanish adult population (16-75 years).