Nienke Boderie

Public support for smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and (semi-) private places: a systematic review and meta-analysis 171 4 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Dono (2014) Tobacco Products Regulation Act 2007 smoking bans in prescribed (outdoor) public transport areas (bus stops, tram stops, railway stations, taxi ranks and airports) and within 10 m of children’s outdoor playground equipment May 31st 2012 State level Maximum penalty 200$ March-April 2011 (wave 1; prelegislation), AprilJune 2012 (wave 2; pre-legislation) and October– December 2013 (wave 3; postlegislation) For each wave, a random sample of telephone numbers was sourced from the Electronic White Pages, selecting adults (18+) Drach (2010) Smoke-free policy for all indoor and outdoor communal areas within 25 feet of buildings January 1st 2008 LCC, largest property management company in Portland, Oregon Not reported Questionnaire in May 2008, followup interviews in August 2008 and 2009 839 tenants from 17 subsidized buildings received questionnaires Dunn (2008) Support for hypothetical policies - - - March 2006 A probability sample of Queensland adults was generated using random digit dialling methods. Quota sampling was undertaken to ensure a 50% gender division and an equal division between the Brisbane metropolitan region and the rest of the state. El Ansari (2012a) Support for hypothetical policies - - - Academic year 2009-2010 Representative random sample of students at eleven participating faculties at Assiut University. El Ansari (2012b) Support for hypothetical policies - - - Academic year 2007-2008 Data collected as part of the General Student Health Survey El Ansari (2021) Support for hypothetical policies - - - 2013-14 academic year Email invites to all undergrads at all faculties