Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 172 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Fallin (2015) Support for hypothetical policies - - - September 2013 to May 2014 Students at 8 Californian colleges and universities, recruited from high-traffic areas on campus, approached by the intercept method. Farran (2021) Tobacco free policy January, 2018 Local level, campus wide Not reported December, 2017 and December 2018 A sample of 1722 staff and 960 faculty members was randomly selected in each round. Faculty and staff were sent invitations by emails and were asked to access a survey link if they considered participating. To ensure participation of lower grade staff (who rarely use their email accounts), hard copies of the questionnaire were also placed for two weeks in the administration offices of almost all departments Fong (2013) Implementation of a comprehensive smokefree policy in public places in France in 2007, extended to public meeting places in 2008 February 2007, extended January 2008 National Not reported December 2006 to February 2007 (wave 1), September to November 2008 (wave 2) and September to December 2012 (wave 3) ITC France project. Adults age 18 and over. Random digit dialling sampling design, no stratification. Recruitment until planned sample was reached. Next Birthday method was used. Gallus (2012) Possibility to extend smoking ban to selected outdoor areas in Italy Not yet implemented - - March to April 2009 and 2010 Italian adults age 15 and over, representative in age, sex, geographic area and socioeconomic characteristics. Garg (2011) Completely smoke-free campus declaration July 2011 Not reported Not reported November 11 2009 All student residents were invited to participate.