Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 176 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Licht (2012) Support for hypothetical policies - - - January to March (landline) and October to December (cell phone), 2010 Two nationally representative random-digit-dial samples of US adults living in multi-unit housing. Lin (2006) Smoke-free City of Hope (California, U.S.) campus policy, prohibiting smoking anywhere on campus grounds both inside and outside of buildings 1989 Local level Not reported Not reported Emails send to all City of Hope employees and posts in campus publications. Loukas (2006) Support for hypothetical policies Not reported Not reported Not reported Spring 2003 Convenience sample selected from 5 participating colleges, surveys distributed during class time Lugo (2017) Legislation in Italy extending smoking ban to selected outdoor areas and to private cars in the presence of children or pregnant women 2016 National law Not reported February to April 2015 and December 2015 to February 2016 Representative multistage sampling, Italian adult population Lund (2016) Government proposals for regulating smoking behaviour Not yet implemented Not reported Not reported December 2014 Pool of registered internet panellists from market research firm (Ipsos MMI) and mobile phone lists. Quotas set by gender, age and geography Mamudu (2016) Tobacco free policy at East Tennessee State University, allowing smoking only in private vehicles. August 2008 Local level Not reported April to May 2011 Anonymous internet based survey, selecting self-reported smokers