Nienke Boderie

Chapter 4 178 Author (year) Description of policy Implementation date Implementation level Enforcement Observational period Selection of participants Morain (2013) Support for hypothetical policies - - - October 12 to 24, 2011 KnowledgePanel; standing, probability based, nationally representative sample of US adults. Panel is recruited through random digit dialling and address-based sampling Niemeier (2014) Support for hypothetical policies - - - January, 2012 Students age 18 and older, invited through e-mail and web sites Nogueira (2022) Support for hypothetical policies - - - 2017-2018 TackSHS Survey, cross sectional survey with representative samples from the general population of 12 European countries. Subjects are age 15 or over and representative for age, sex, habitat, and socio-economic characteristics. Multistage, cluster or stratified random sampling methods used. Face-to-face computer assisted interviews. Okoli (2013) Smoke-free bylaw banning smoking of any substance in the city’s park, beaches and recreational facilities in Vancouver, Canada September 1, 2010 Local level Not reported September 15 to 25, 2011 Random digit dialling Vancouver residents, performed by survey research company NRG Research Group Patel (2022) By 2018 all public housing agencies are required to implement smoke-free policies 2018 Country level Not reported October-November 2018 Ipsos KnowledgePanel, nationally representative sample of English and Spanish speaking adults 18-65, address and probability weighted