Nienke Boderie

Chapter 5 214 Table 1: Timeline of tobacco regulation in the Netherlands 2008 ─ Ban on smoking in hotels, restaurants and cafes, tax increase and price increase of tobacco 2010 ─ Ban on smoking in all cafes including those with no personnel other than the owner 2011 ─ Smoking in small bars was allowed again 2013 ─ Tax increase of €0.35 per 20-stick cigarette pack 2014 ─ Increase of minimum age for buying tobacco from 16 to 18 years; smoking restriction again applied to small bars 2015 – Tax increase of €0.09 per 20-stick cigarette pack 2016 ─ Pictorial warnings on cigarette packs 2017 ─ Ban on flavoured cigarettes except for menthol flavoured cigarettes 2018 – National Prevention Agreement was signed, stating the ambition to reach a smokefree generation by 2040 2020 ─ All outside areas of schools smoke-free; display ban for tobacco products; €1.00 price increase per 20-stick cigarette pack; ban on menthol-flavoured cigarettes; implementation of plain packaging; train stations become smoke-free (implemented by the Dutch railway operators, not a governmental regulation) 2021 ─ Ban on advertisement on the façade of a shop; ban on smoking rooms at government buildings and in public buildings 2022 ─ Ban on cigarette vending machines; ban on smoking rooms at workplaces Methods Sample We used data from a repeated cross-sectional annual survey from 2018 to 2022, by Kantar Public, a commercial institute for societal research, and commissioned by ‘Health Funds for a Smoke-free Netherlands (GvRV)’. Each year, a sample of approximately 1600 Dutch adults were randomly invited from a panel, of which about 60–80% responded. The panel consists of respondents who have indicated that they are willing to participate in research regularly. Kantar Public actively recruited panel members, ensuring different subgroups of the Dutch population were represented. Each sample was drawn representatively for age, gender, education level, socioeconomic status (SES), and smoking status, and weighted to represent the Dutch population. For this study, potential participants were asked to complete a questionnaire concerning their opinion on several smokingrelated questions. Respondents who participated in one year were excluded from participating in the next year, but could participate again the year after exclusion. Participants had to be at least 18 years old and Dutch-speaking.