Nienke Boderie

Chapter 5 216 Analyses Support for smoke-free locations was dichotomised into support (completely agree; agree) or no support (neither agree nor disagree; disagree; completely disagree; don’t know). Based on the most well-known determinants of public support,9 multivariable logistic regression was applied to model public support for each smoke-free policy area as a function of time (calendar year), gender, smoking status, and SES. Interaction terms were added between time and smoking status and time and SES. Separate analyses were performed per category of smoke-free policies. As individuals could report support for several policies within each category, standard errors were clustered at person level. For each analysis weights were applied according to age, gender, SES, and smoking status to ensure representativeness of the Dutch society. Survey weights were calculated by Kantar Public. Analyses were conducted using R version 4.2.2 and a significance level of alpha 0.05 was assumed. Ethics All respondents were part of Kantar Publics panel NIPObase and provided informed consent upon participation. Results In total 5582 participant responses were included, varying between 988 in 2018 and 1358 in 2020. Table 2 presents the participant demographics. Over time, the proportion of smokers decreased from 24% in the 2018 survey to 20% in the 2022 survey, reflecting the declining smoking rate in the Netherlands in this period. Support In 2022, average support was higher than 65% for all categories of smokefree places, and highest for private indoor places (i.e. cars carrying children; 91%) (Figure 1). For each category of smoke-free policies, support increased between 2018 and 2022, with the largest increase (8 percentage points) for policies regarding outdoor areas surrounding buildings and public transport stops. Support for policies regarding outdoor places for children and private cars with children was consistently high across the study period (i.e.>90%). Within categories support was highest for smoke-free elementary school grounds (93%,