Nienke Boderie

The Next Step For A Smoke-Free Generation: a multidisciplinary study of opportunities for expanding smoke-free environments in the Netherlands (translated from Dutch) 245 7 and 4. Interviews with key people involved in the implementation process. In this article, we focus on the findings regarding smoke-free legislation targeting cars and playgrounds. When we talk about ‘smoke-free policies’, we mean smoke-free policies related to cars and playgrounds. The research group met several times a year to discuss the progress of the various subprojects and to jointly determine the next steps. In this section, we discuss the methodology for each sub-study. Desktop survey of already implemented smoke-free policies in other countries We compiled a database of examples of countries and regions where smoke-free car and playground policies have already been implemented. In the first phase, we searched for policy case studies through websites of organisations focusing on tobacco control (e.g. information from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Trimbos Institute) and through the Google search engine. Scientific articles linked to innovative smoke-free policies, identified during the systematic literature reviews (see below), were also included. In the second phase, for each identified policy case, publicly accessible websites were searched for policy documents, academic publications, web sites and news articles on these policies. We searched until August 2020. The purpose of the desktop surveys was not to exhaustively list all policies, but to illustrate the significant, multifaceted and growing implementation of new smoke-free policies. We also examined the national and international legal frameworks that enabled implementation. Literature review and public poll on the level of public support For the literature review on the level of public support, we included studies published after 2004 and with a representative research population larger than 400 people. Together with the research group and medical information expert, search terms were prepared for eight databases. The search strategy included the following components: 1. terms that identify smoke-free policies, 2. terms that identify public support,