Nienke Boderie

Chapter 7 246 and 3. terms that exclude congress summaries, letter submissions, forum articles and editorials. Of the included studies, the reference lists were searched to see if any relevant studies were missing. This provided an overview of all relevant studies up to 19 January 2022. Following the English-language protocol, two researchers independently selected relevant articles and then extracted the information.13,14 The degree of support for smoke-free policies was pooled using a random-effects meta-analysis for both car and playground smoke-free policies. We also looked at differences in levels of support between men and women, smokers and non-smokers, individuals with and without children, and age. We also present the most recent data on the level of public support in the Netherlands for smoke-free cars and playgrounds, collected on behalf of the Health Funds for Smoke-Free. Interviews with key people involved in implementation Interviews were held with key people from research, policy and politics involved in the implementation of legislation aimed at smoke-free cars in England and smoke-free play areas for children in France. These individuals were found through our own network and through referrals to other key figures. With the interviews, we identified factors that influenced and promoted the development of new smoke-free policies in the places mentioned and their implementation. The interviews took place in 2021. The interview guide was prepared on the basis of sensitising concepts.15 All participants consented to audio recording and to use the data for research purposes. All interviews were conducted in English and were recorded, transcribed, coded with Atlas-Ti (open, axial and selective coding) and then analysed. Results Inventory of smoke-free policies for smoke-free cars and playgrounds Several countries have already implemented smoke-free policies related to cars and playgrounds through legislation.10 Often this was done from the central government, but in some cases the policy was introduced by local authorities.