Nienke Boderie

Chapter 9 288 The following parametrisation and incentives were used. Respondents completed number of pages ( ≤ 20)and each page consisted of 20 sliders that were set to 0. As such the total number of sliders respondents could complete before exiting the experiment was = 20 , ≤ 400. Each slider had to be moved to exactly 25. For each slider moved to 25, respondents would earn a reward (i.e., paid out at T2). Two types of incentives were used: reward- and depositbased incentives. Reward-based incentives entailed that respondents would earn €( * ) at T2, as well as their show-up fee being paid out after completing the online experiment (these were paid within 4 hours of completing the experiment). Note that respondents could also return at T1, complete 0 sliders and exit the experiment with their €4 show-up fee. Deposit-based incentives were operationalised by informing respondents that their show-up fee was added to the per-slider fee. That is, rather than receiving the show-up fee at T1, the perslider reward was increased to In other words, respondents deposited their show-up fee and earned it back by completing sliders. The full deposit would only be earned back by completing 400 sliders. Hence, from a rational perspective, the deposit-based incentive is dominated by the lump-sum incentive. However, the reward for effort is higher in the deposit-based incentive scheme, such that some respondents may use this incentive scheme as a commitment device to exert more effort while completing the task. In designing our parametrisation of incentives we were unsure how exactly respondents would respond to deposit-based incentives of different sizes. Hence, we decided to include incentives with different sizes, with the size of the deposit remaining constant. That is, payment conditions were operationalised by taking for the low (€8) condition: = €0.01 for the medium (€12) condition = €0.02 (medium) and for the high (€20) condition = €0.04(high), respectively. With a €4 show-up fee, this implies for the low (€8) condition ,= €0.02 for the medium (€12) condition ,= €0.03 (medium) and for the high (€20) condition ,= €0.05 (high) respectively. As such, compared to reward-based incentives the per-slider reward would be increased by 100%, 50% or 25% respectively when the show-up fee was deposited. Table 1 shows example pay-offs for respondents completing 0, 200 and 400 sliders.