Nienke Boderie

Deposit? Yes, please! The effect of different modes of assigning reward-and deposit-based financial incentives on effort 323 9 D2. Informed consent form Many thanks for showing interest in our study. Before you continue, we would like to explain you what the experiment is about, and ask you to provide informed consent. Please read this information carefully. Goal and set-up of the experiment The aim of the experiment is to investigate the effect of different schemes of small payments on effort and persistence in a tedious task. The experiment consists of two sessions spread out a week apart. The duration of both sessions combined will last roughly 45 minutes. Week 1: Baseline questionnaires and information about the payment schemes, possibility to earn show-up fee Week 2: Tedious task completion, possibility to earn rewards through task completion Potential risks and discomfort. There are no physical, legal or economic risks associated with your participation in this study. You are free to refuse answering any question as well as quit your participation at any time. Compensation for the experiment As we are interested in the effect of payments on effort, the exact amount you will earn is not yet clear, but you can expect that you can earn up to €${e://Field/ totalamount} in 45 minutes. Please note the following important messages regarding your compensation. 1. A Dutch bank account is required for payments, as payments will be transferred through Tikkie or payment requests facilitated by other Dutch online banking apps. 2. Under some conditions, if you end the task prematurely you will not receive payment. 3. Next week, in order for us to easily and quickly pay you, you will be creating a Tikkie/alternative payment request link and entering it into Qualtrics. This will be sent to us, including your record of your earning in the experiment such that we can check it. More information will follow next week.