Deposit? Yes, please! The effect of different modes of assigning reward-and deposit-based financial incentives on effort 331 9 D6. Instructions slider task As you were informed of earlier, this experiment consists of two sessions. You have almost completed the first session, and the next session takes place next week. Before this session ends, we want to provide you some additional information about the procedure and goal of next week’s session. Our main interest is studying the influence small payments have on effort and persistence on tedious tasks. Next week, therefore, you will be asked to work on a tedious task and earn money with that task. All the money you earn with the task is paid out one week after the second session (i.e. 2 weeks from now) Before we move on, we would like to show you how the task works. If you click ‘->’ you will see a page with 10 sliders, which you have to set from 0 to 25. Next week, you will be paid for each slider you set to 25. Please continue to the next page to try this out.