Deposit? Yes, please! The effect of different modes of assigning reward-and deposit-based financial incentives on effort 333 9 with sliders has 20 sliders on it. Next week, you have the opportunity to work on 400 sliders (in other words, 20 pages with sliders). Each completed slider is worth money, which you will receive one week after you have invested the time on working on the slider (i.e. 2 weeks for now). You don’t have to complete all 20 pages; in fact you can work as long as you want (or until the task is finished). This means, after each page you can choose to complete another page or quit the experiment. Of course, you earn the most money by completely finishing the slider task (completing all 400 sliders). You can earn money for your effort based on the basic scheme or the deposit scheme. Basic scheme You are paid for €0.20 for a full page of sliders set to 25. If you don’t complete a page, or don’t set the slider to exactly 25, you will not be paid for that slider. If you complete no sliders at all, you will be paid the €4 you already earned directly, but nothing else. If you complete all sliders, you will earn €4 in two weeks (so €8.00 in total for both sessions) on top of the €4 you already earned today. Deposit scheme Because the task is tedious, you might lose motivation and quit early. In order to motivate you to complete all task, in the deposit scheme, we will treat the €4 you earned today as a deposit. This means that rather than earning €4 next week, you will not earn anything next week. Instead, your earned €4 will be paid out as part of the reward for the sliders as follows: You are paid for €0.40 for a full page of sliders set to 25. If you don’t complete a page, or don’t set the slider to exactly 25, you will not be paid for that slider. If you complete no sliders at all, you earn nothing for this experiment (meaning you lost your deposit). If you complete all sliders, you will earn €8.00. D8. Nudged assignment condition specific instruction Choosing between the two schemes In both the basic and deposit scheme you have the opportunity to earn the same amount of money for persistent effort on a tedious task. The deposit scheme may help to keep you motivated, however, because you are not only earning ‘’extra’ money, but also earning back money you made earlier. If you don’t complete all tasks, however, you might lose money.