Nienke Boderie

Chapter 10 346 Table 1: Answer combinations and advised schemes Degree of tobacco dependence* Readiness-to-quit** Present bias*** Willing to pay a deposit Scheme advice < 5 Ready to quit within the next 30 days Delayed reward preference No Ascending < 5 Ready to quit within the next 30 days Present reward preference No Standard < 5 Ready to quit in the next 6 months or not ready to quit Delayed reward preference No Standard < 5 Ready to quit in the next 6 months or not ready to quit Present reward preference No Descending ≥ 5 Ready to quit within the next 30 days Delayed reward preference No Standard ≥ 5 Ready to quit within the next 30 days Present reward preference No Descending ≥ 5 Ready to quit in the next 6 months or not ready to quit Delayed reward preference No Descending ≥ 5 Ready to quit in the next 6 months or not ready to quit Present reward preference No Descending Any answer Any answer Any answer Yes Deposit * assessed via Fagerström score ** assessed via Prochaska state of change ***assessed via Kirby discontinuity score Outcomes The primary outcome is CO-validated twelve month continuous abstinence from smoking (Russel’s Standard, RS12).23 The primary outcome is measured at T=12 months after the last group based training. However, participants jointly quit smoking at the third training session which is approximately one month prior to the last training session. This one month gap between the joint smoking attempt and the start of our measurement allows participants to have a setback in smoking cessation while they are still in the training. From the end of the training (T=0 months) onwards, all participants are expected to be smokefree. Abstinence is assessed via self-reported abstinence and biochemically validated using expired air (CO) measurements. Self-reported abstinence assesses both point- and continuous abstinence. Point prevalence is assessed by seven-day abstinence at each follow-up point and prolonged abstinence via the total continuous abstinence period.23 Self-reported abstinence is validated via assessment of expired air CO concentrations using a handheld monitor (PiCO™ Smokerlyzer, Bedfont Scientific Ltd., Kent, England). An exhaled-air CO reading