Nienke Boderie

Chapter 11 364 Data management Descriptions of the data management plan can be found in our protocol.9 All of which are retained and will be archived until 15 years after the completion of the study. Analysis Continuous abstinence rates at 12 months after group-based training were compared between the intervention and control groups using intention-to-treat analysis. All participants were included in the analysis, including those lost to follow-up who were classified as non-abstinent. Due to the small sample size resulting from early termination of the trial, we refrained from undertaking formal statistical testing of between-group differences. Interviews Following the premature closing of the trial, we conducted semi-structured interviews to investigate why healthcare employees did not participate in free employer-provided group-based smoking cessation training. Respondents The respondents were employed at Erasmus MC, one of the four participating hospitals in PERSIST, smoked daily, were aged 18 years or older, and had not previously participated in a group-based smoking cessation program provided by their employer. For a period of ten weeks between March 1 and May 13, 2022, individuals who smoked were approached at different times on different days of the week at multiple locations on or just outside the hospital grounds. Those interested in participating in the interviews completed a contact form, after which a one-to-one meeting was scheduled to conduct the interview. The interviews were held in person or by phone. Data collection Two researchers (NWB and LB) conducted the interviews based on an interview guide (Appendix I). The interviews were conducted in Dutch and used an inductive approach,23 whereby respondents were stimulated to formulate their ideas and reasons for non-participation themselves, without the researchers already referring to or imposing their initial hypotheses. The semi-structured interview