Nienke Boderie

PERSonalised Incentives for Supporting Tobacco cessation (PERSIST) among healthcare employees: evaluation and lessons learned 371 11 Table 3: Participant characteristics interview study (n=15) n(%) Gender Female 7 (47) Male 8 (53) Age group 30-39 years 1 (7) 40-49 years 9 (60) 50-59 years 2 (13) 60 years and older 2 (13) Missing 1 (7) Number of cigarettes smoked per day 0-5 2 (14) 6-10 5 (33) 11-15 5 (33) 16-20 3 (20) Motivation to quit smoking I don’t want to quit smoking 3 (20) I think I should quit smoking but I don’t really want to 4 (26) I want to quit smoking but I haven’t thought about when 5 (33) I want to quit smoking and I hope to do so soon 1 (7) I want to quit smoking and I plan on doing so in the next three months 1 (7) I want to quit smoking and I plan on doing so in the next month 1 (7) Education Low 1 (7) Moderate 6 (40) High 7 (47) Missing 1 (7) Occupation Managers 1 (7) Healthcare professionals 5 (33) Technicians and associate professionals 5 (33) Clerical support workers 1 (7) Service and sales workers 1 (7) Elementary occupations 2 (13) Duration of employment at current employer 0-5 years 5 (33) 6-10 years 5 (33) 11-15 years 2 (13) 16-20 years 1 (7) 21 years and longer 2 (13) Awareness Knew there was a smoking cessation program 13 (86) Knew there was a possibility to earn incentives 2 (13)