Nienke Boderie

PERSonalised Incentives for Supporting Tobacco cessation (PERSIST) among healthcare employees: evaluation and lessons learned 383 11 Appendix II Interview guide (translated from Dutch) Italic text contains conversation starters if participants ask for examples 1. Introduction interview • Explain: audio recording, interview will be processed anonymously, sign consent form • Purpose of interview: understanding why people do not participate in workplace smoking cessation programmes 2. Background participant • Demographic: age, gender, education, position, current employer, number of years in employment • Smoking behaviour: can you tell us a little about your smoking behaviour? • Since when do you smoke? How many cigarettes per day? Have you ever tried to quit? If yes, how long did you stop? • Do you plan to stop smoking (motivation to stop scale)? ▪ I do not want to stop smoking ▪ I think I should stop smoking but don’t really want to ▪ I want to stop smoking but haven’t thought about when ▪ I really want to stop smoking but I don’t know when I will do it ▪ I want to stop smoking and hope to do so soon ▪ I really want to stop smoking and plan to do so in the next 3 months ▪ I really want to stop smoking and plan to in the next month 3. Smoking cessation training • Did you know that your employer has organised a smoking cessation group course? Yes: ▪ How come you did not participate? ▪ When would you have participated? No: ▪ If you had known that the course was organised, would you have wanted to participate? Why yes/no?