Chapter 11 384 • In what ways can an employer encourage employees to sign up for stopsmoking training? • What does an optimal stop-smoking programme look like for you? • Group course, on your own • Would you join a different type of course through the employer? For example about stress, healthy eating or a hobby 4. Communication • How was the stop-smoking course communicated? What was good and what was missing in the communication? Show promotional material PERSIST • If you were aware of the course: where did you see promotional materials for the smoking cessation course? • What do you think would be a good way to communicate a smoking cessation course? Do you recognise elements of this in your employer’s communication? Personal invitation, conversation with manager, intranet message • What, in your opinion, does not work well to communicate a stop-smoking training programme? Do you recognise elements of this in your employer’s communication? Only intranet messages, passive communication 5. Financial rewards Explanation: in the smoking cessation programme, there was an option to take part in scientific research, and 300 to 450 euros could be earned in vouchers if people stayed abstinent • Were you aware of this option? • Did the opportunity to participate in research influence your choice not to participate? • Did or would the opportunity to earn financial rewards influence your choice to (not) participate? • If no: ▪ Would this have influenced your choice to participate? ▪ Do you think this might have influenced other (potential) participants?