Nienke Boderie

General discussion 401 12 2023, this website was referred to in parliamentary questions regarding smokefree car policies.20 Enforcement was mentioned as a major issue withholding implementation; however studies elsewhere have confirmed important reductions in tobacco smoke exposure despite this challenge. Also, and as stated before; the same issues regarding private atmosphere go for wearing seatbelts, which have been implemented for decades. Another important gap to address is that between research and practice. What may be perceived as a suitable solution from an academic standpoint may be subject to different interpretations by potential participants. For example, in the PERSIST study we expected that the combination of implementing a smoke-free zone and offering a smoking cessation course would be successful. However, many smokers perceived this as yet another demand to quit smoking. The same goes for workplace interventions, while these are seen as effective given the amount of time spent at work, employees often doubt the role of their employer in their health. In most (public) health related fields, patient and public involvement is highly regarded. Smokers, however, are seldom involved in the design and implementation of smoke-free programmes. A possible explanation might be fear of negative reactions which was also seen in the lack of addressing smokers in a smoke-free zone (Chapter 6). Future research This thesis presented strategies to help reduce tobacco harm in the long run (i.e., novel smoke-free zones) and in the short run (using personalisation to improve quit attempts). Ideally, such long- and short-term strategies are implemented in parallel. A potential place where these strategies can be combined is in smokefree homes. Smoke-free homes reduce exposure to second-hand smoke and increase quit attempts among smokers.21,22 However, they also strongly depend on willingness to implement, and currently support for formal smoke-free homes regulation is rather low. Passey et al. identified barriers and enablers of smokefree homes,23 among which knowledge is an important one. While it is common knowledge that smoking and second-hand smoking are harmful, knowledge about third hand smoke (THS) is less common. Recent studies show that more awareness on the harmful effects of THS is associated with adopting a smoke-free home, hence increasing awareness might be low hanging fruit.24 Future research should investigate strategies to improve the popularity, or rather normality, of implementing smoke-free homes. With smoke-free car rules once unpopular